Saturday, March 7, 2009

Final Presentations and Portfolios

Final Presentations and Portfolios……….

The presentation on study abroad opportunities for architecture majors by Blake was not only informative but also enjoyable. The focus of his personal experience in Genoa, Italy was interesting and his descriptions of the housing in the villa made me want to pack my suitcase. It sounded amazing! The photos added to the enjoyment of a presentation that contained one of my favorite places—Italia.

My experience with online portfolios is very limited. Actually, I have only encountered one—the Clemson E-Portfolio required for graduation. Experiencing the frustration of working with the e-portfolio has not given me a favorable impression of online portfolios. After a few trips to CCIT in order to resolve conflicts on my laptop, I have not been successful in utilizing the program. It lost all of my documents last spring! Fearing the worst after the initial problems, I had saved a back-up disk of the documents at home and started over. My main concern is that I have everything completed for the portfolio draft due on March 23. The two letters (cover and follow-up) are on my to-do list, but I wanted to inquire about the group progress report. Does the memo from our class meeting on Friday March 6th satisfy this requirement?

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