Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Reflection on Technology

Technology as a group project tool………………

Conflicting schedules of students involved in college group projects is always a roadblock to completing class assignments. The technology available at Clemson provides some relief from the stress of communication with group members during projects. Even though we did not have virtual meetings using the web, our group for this class utilized two features of the Clemson network: Blackboard and email. Planning for meetings in and out of class through email messages was an efficient way to keep everyone informed and updated, but the most useful form of technology was Clemson’s Blackboard. Meeting minutes were posted in the “File Exchange” to share the necessary reminders of previous discussions, as well as inform members of tasks to be completed. By sharing documents from the project on Blackboard, each member was also able to easily compile the required components for their personal portfolio.

Technology is certainly a necessary tool of any group project!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ethical Lapses

Two of the examples discussed in class exhibited similar ethical lapses. Both the Ford Motor Company’s handling of the Pinto car model and Jost’s Nazi memo illustrate a disregard for human life. Ford Motor Company preferred to ignore the devastating consequences of their unsafe product and handled the situation by paying a cash value for the loss of life, while continuing the Pinto production. Jost’s memo objectified the life of the Nazis’ prisoners by referring to them as “things” and not acknowledging that they were people. The disregard for human life in both examples is appalling.

As I prepare to enter the fields of food science and packaging technology, the previous examples are not the ethical standards that I aspire to. The production of safe products is the responsibility of everyone involved in food production companies. My own set of ethical principles holds a high regard for human life and will serve me well in the workforce of my chosen profession.