Friday, January 9, 2009


I’m Danielle and a sophomore here at Clemson University. My interest in chemistry led me to major in Food Science and Technology with a minor in Packaging Science. Hopefully, one day you will go to the supermarket and purchase a new food product that I helped develop.

My home is in New Jersey, where I live with my family in a suburban town across the river from Philadelphia. Yes, I’ve run to the top of the Art Museum steps like Rocky! My English springer spaniel, Wishbone, fills his days chasing the local squirrel population.

Spending nearly 12 years of my life in a freezing cold ice rink for several hours of the day was something that I enjoyed. Until a foot injury and surgery ended my career, I was a competitive figure skater. Many international skaters trained with me at the University of Delaware, so I’ve learned a few words in the different languages of my friends.

At the top of my list of favorite things is traveling. My goal is to fill up the pages of my passport before it expires! I’ve been to Europe twice and would love to live in Italy. It’s hard to choose what makes it my favorite destination—the art, the food, or the wine!

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